NHS medical negligence claims: The publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) can make an incredible difference to the lives and wellbeing of those who are ill. But, busy and under-pressure, NHS staff may make mistakes that could cause you injury or harm. Learn more about making an NHS medical negligence claim after receiving sub-standard care.
- GP medical negligence claims: General Practitioners (GPs) are often the first port of call when you fall ill. You rely on them to assess issues and recommend the correct course of action. This means if GPs fail to provide the right standard of care, it could be disastrous to your health. Find out how to make a GP medical negligence claim if you believe your GP has been negligent.
- Hospital medical negligence claims: You rely on hospital staff and the medical practitioners in the hospital to take care of you while you’re getting specialist care. But, there are times when hospitals might fail in their duty of care to you and cause you to suffer unnecessarily. Learn about the types of hospital medical negligence claims you could make, and what making a claim might involve.
- Accident and Emergency medical negligence claims: Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments provide round-the-clock care and often see patients at their most critical. At times, this can mean errors are made and things go wrong in disastrous ways. Find out how you can make a claim against an A&E department if this happens.
- Private hospital medical negligence claims: Private hospitals operate under different rules to public hospitals, and you may find yourself at a disadvantage if you’ve been mistreated by a private hospital. Read on to learn all you need to know about private hospital medical negligence claims.