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Spinal cord injury in the military: Practical advice

It is well known that sustaining a spinal cord injury is life changing. However, when we speak with service personnel and veterans who have suffered…

Spinal cord injury in the military: Employment Issues

It is well known that sustaining a spinal cord injury is life changing. However, when we speak with service personnel and veterans who have suffered…

Spinal cord injury in the military: Mental Health and SCI

It is well known that sustaining a spinal cord injury is life changing. However, when we speak with service personnel and veterans who have suffered…

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How non-freezing cold injuries impact service members: Everyday costs and career risks

“If it isn’t raining it isn’t training”. How many service personnel and veterans have heard this? Likely said in jest but there is a serious…

By Natasha Mason
Veterans: LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme

On 12th December 2024, the Government launched the LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme, providing recognition and compensation to LGBT veterans who served in the Armed Forces…

By Phoebe Newell
‘I took part in completely inappropriate mental health training in the Armed Forces’

I have many experiences from my 19-year service in the Royal Navy; some helped shape the life I have today and some still leave me…

By Natasha Mason
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