What is PTSD?
Alongside other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and adjustment disorders, PTSD can present itself when servicemen and women are exposed to traumatic and life-endangering events, often in combat situations.
The most common military-induced PTSD symptoms complained of are:
- Re-experiencing phenomena such as nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive memories and reminders of the index trauma
- Avoidance behaviour, withdrawing into oneself and shying away from social contact
- Mood changes and cognition
- Heightened arousal and reactivity
If you or a loved one has been affected by PTSD, please get in contact with us for confidential advice about making a military PTSD claim for compensation. We work on a ‘no win no fee’ basis.
PTSD symptoms
The symptoms of PTSD vary enormously from person to person. One individual might seem withdrawn, while another can become extremely angry or violent at the slightest provocation.
Some people have frequent flashbacks and others deny there is anything to remember. It can take many sufferers a long time to realise they have been affected at all. Visit our symptoms page to see a list of problems that can indicate whether a person who’s been in the military may have PTSD.
What can happen if military-induced PTSD is misdiagnosed?
Sadly, medical negligence and misdiagnosis involving military PTSD aren’t uncommon. We have come across situations where military doctors have misdiagnosed PTSD for ‘battle stress’, ‘anger management’, ‘alcohol misuse’ and even ‘personality disorder’. The delay in diagnosis inevitably prolongs the commencement of treatment.
This can often lead to other co-morbid and social complications such as depression, anxiety, unemployment, homelessness and family breakups, making it harder to integrate into civilian life. They can mask the condition and make it more difficult to treat.
If you or someone close to you has experienced this, there could still be a valid PTSD compensation claim if you raise it in time.
Why make a military PTSD claim for compensation?
A successful PTSD compensation claim can’t undo the harm that has been caused, but it can help you and any loved ones move forward. Your solicitor will consider time taken off work and the psychological damage the condition has caused, while helping you to access professional support.
You could be eligible to make military PTSD claims for the following reasons:
- You received a misdiagnosis from a military doctor, causing a delay in diagnosis and opening the door to further complication.
- Your superiors in the military failed to spot the signs and exacerbated your condition or failed to provide sufficient support.
For your claim to be successful, you need to prove your PTSD was caused by your service in the military.
Whether you’re seeking military compensation for PTSD at the hands of military doctors or superiors within the Ministry of Defence (MoD), our solicitors can support you.
Why choose Bolt Burdon Kemp for your military PTSD compensation claim?
With support from our specialist military team, you could increase the likelihood of securing military PTSD compensation. Here’s why you can rely on Bolt Burdon Kemp:
- Experience: We have over 35 years of experience with countless military cases, including PTSD compensation cases.
- ‘No win no fee’: With our flexible funding structures, you won’t have to pay anything unless your case is successful.
- Understanding: We understand the emotional support you’ll need during this time, which is why we treat each client and case with compassion.
- Partners: We work with important military partner organisations, including The Royal British Legion, Forces Law and Combat Stress.
- Awards: We’re recognised by independent bodies such as The Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners as one of the leading firms in personal injury.
- Accredited: We’re members of The Law Society’s Personal Injury Accreditation scheme and are assessed and awarded annually in line with the Lexcel practice management standards.
- Testimonials: There are hundreds of testimonials from past clients explaining how we’ve helped across a broad set of cases.
Contacting us
Our expert solicitors can help you raise a military-related PTSD compensation claim today. All you need to do is get in touch for a no-obligation chat with one of our experts.
You can choose from various funding options. However, the majority of our cases are funded by Conditional Fee Agreements (‘no win no fee’). These don’t include upfront fees.
Speak to a specialist military lawyer by calling us on 020 3411 5839 or contact us online.