You are still the victim of an accident which was not your fault and your personal injury compensation will be paid by an insurance company not by the driver. Many successful claims are made by children against their parents (and sometimes vice versa).
As a passenger involved in a road traffic accident, because you are not in control of the vehicle yourself it is likely to be very easy to prove that the accident was not your fault. Therefore, attention can be focused on your rehabilitation and obtaining your compensation as soon as possible.
If you are a passenger in a taxi involved in a road traffic accident and suffer a personal injury as a result, you should make a note of the taxi’s registered number and the driver’s name in order that the accident can be verified. Do this even if you think that the road traffic accident was not the taxi driver’s fault. Sometimes there are insurance problems which arise as a result of a road traffic accident involving taxis. Mini-cabs in particular may not have the right insurance cover in place. We are used to solving these problems and securing compensation for our clients even when the taxi driver has no insurance at all!
Passengers sustaining personal injury on a bus involved in a road traffic accident should report the injury to the driver and obtain his name. You should also take the name and telephone number of any witnesses, note down the number of the bus and retain your bus ticket if you have one.