BBK again ranked as a top firm in The Legal 500, 2020
We are proud to announce that we have maintained our ranking as a Top Tier firm by The Legal 500 for 2020! We rank Tier 1 for our work within the field of Clinical Negligence and Tier 2 for our Personal Injury work.
The Legal 500 is an independent legal directory who obtain feedback from third parties and assess us against other firms who carry out clinical negligence and personal injury work in London. This year, we are proud to have received special mentions for more of our partners than ever before.
Jonathan Wheeler was recognised for leading all of our personal injury work.
Caroline Klage was described as ‘one of the very best, if not the best, clinical negligence solicitor in the UK’.
Rhicha Kapila and Head of our Military claims team, Ahmed Al-Nahhas were both recognised for being ‘stand-out practitioners’ and for ‘dealing with their own clients with compassion, care and thoroughness that is second to none’.
David McClenaghan was ranked for the first time this year and it was said of him that he is ‘one of the best abuse lawyers’.
We also received amazing feedback for our rising stars who have also been mentioned for the first time in the directory. Joshua Hughes whose ‘legal experience enables him to deal with clients sensitively and supportively’ and Dino Nocivelli who is recognised for being ‘very conscientious and meticulous in his work’.
We are incredibly proud of our team and all the hard work, effort and commitment they show to our clients. Huge thanks to our client referees and all the experts with whom we work.