Stop The Pressure Day 2022, #DONTSITONIT
Every year, on the third Thursday in November, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) holds the Stop the Pressure Ulcer Day to help raise awareness of pressure ulcer prevention.
To mark the day last year, my colleague Alex Dabek wrote a blog with some shocking statistics on pressure sores. Unfortunately the statistics are still alarming and demonstrate the importance of raising awareness on a day like today:
- £3.8 million is spent a day on treating pressure sore damage in the NHS (according to a 2018 NHS Improvement report)
- The reported incidence of pressure ulcers in spinal cord injury ranges from 62.4% to 85.7% (Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals Second Edition 2014)
Living with a spinal cord injury significantly increases your risk of developing a pressure sore – but skin damage is preventable. The effect of pressure sores on people with spinal cord injuries is multi-faceted. They can have far reaching consequences adversely affecting a person’s quality of life. A pressure ulcer can affect the individual, their family and friends, the NHS and healthcare providers.
This year the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) are campaigning to equip those with spinal cord injuries and their personal assistants /carers with the right knowledge to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers occurring. They advise following these 5 key steps:
- Check your skin twice daily
- Change position regularly
- Use the right equipment
- Lead a healthy lifestyle
- Be prepared with an emergency care plan
For more information on these key steps, see the SIA campaign website here.
So what can you do to help?
Pressure sores are preventable with the right knowledge and skills. For members of the spinal cord injury community a pressure ulcer can mean putting their life on hold. It is important to raise the profile of this message by engaging with the SIA’s content or writing to your local MP addressing your concerns. It is only by addressing the issue head on that we can move towards bringing about tangible change for the spinal cord injury community. This year the Spinal Injury team here at BBK will be doing what we can to make a difference and encouraging all of you to follow this wise message #DONTSITONIT.