Consultant Paediatrician, Dr Saeed Nashoor Ghanim, under investigation
Dr Saeed Nashoor Ghanim left Furness General Hospital (FGH) in April 2014 after allegations of poor clinical care. Dr Ghanim worked at FGH as a consultant paediatrician for nine years and his fitness to practice hearing is currently underway in Manchester.
It is alleged that Dr Ghanim provided substandard care to four young patients between May 2010 and September 2011. Most harrowing is the allegation that he failed to recognise the seriousness of meconium aspiration, and failed to make appropriate referrals, leading to the unnecessary death of a new born baby girl. At the inquest Dr Ghanim was criticised for having a “wait and see” approach by the South and East Cumbria Coroner. He was also accused of using the wrong medical equipment and asking a mother to shake her eight month old son.
FGH’s maternity department has been criticised for extensive failings which led to a government review. The Morecambe Bay Investigation report was published earlier this month and identified “dysfunctional” maternity units and “serious failures of clinical care” at FGH. The report describes 20 instances of significant failures which contributed to the deaths of three mothers and 16 babies.
FGH’s maternity unit was further criticised for its culture of denial and cover up. The report praises bereaved families for their “persistent efforts” to get answers as without this “events would not have come to light when they did.”
Dr Ghamin is one of the two consultant paediatrician’s at FGH who is under investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC). The GMC prosecution evidence of Dr Ghanim is scheduled for a further seven days before Dr Ghanim can instigate his defence.
Dr Ghanim denies the allegations made against him and his hearing is expected to conclude on 10 April 2015. If the panel conclude that he provided inadequate care they may choose to either place restrictions on his work or to prevent him from returning to work as a doctor.