Bolt Burdon Kemp’s Child Brain Injury team proudly support the Child Brain Injury Trust’s Action for Brain Injury Awareness Week | Bolt Burdon Kemp Bolt Burdon Kemp’s Child Brain Injury team proudly support the Child Brain Injury Trust’s Action for Brain Injury Awareness Week | Bolt Burdon Kemp

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Bolt Burdon Kemp’s Child Brain Injury team proudly support the Child Brain Injury Trust’s Action for Brain Injury Awareness Week

For the last 3 years, Bolt Burdon Kemp’ have proudly supported the Child Brain Injury Trust’s campaign for Action for Brain Injury Week.  This year their focus is on raising awareness of brain injuries in pre-school children.  This is an important campaign because head injury from a fall is a leading cause of hospital attendance for young children[1].  A recent UK study[2] about children admitted to hospital with a head injury from a fall, found that 54% of the children studied were under the age of 5 years.

Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics[3] show that the proportion of working households continues to rise and is at the highest level since records began in 2004.  Therefore, unless you are lucky enough to have retired parents living close by who don’t mind taking responsibility for the daily cycle of nappies, messy mealtimes and amazing energy that needs expending(!), the chances are you will entrust the care of your precious children to a nursery or childminder.

With this in mind, I was shocked to read the results of a survey of childcare providers in the UK conducted by the Child Brain Injury Trust, which revealed:

  • 75% thought there was a lack of awareness about brain injuries in children within childcare settings
  • 35% said they had never received any training on brain injuries in children
  • 43% were unaware of the signs and symptoms of brain injury
  • 100% said they would find training on brain injuries in children useful

In response to the results of the survey, the Child Brain Injury Trust will be delivering free awareness sessions to day care settings, playschools and nurseries.  These sessions will cover what brain injury is, the signs to look out for and where and when to get help.  There is clearly a call for this support from those on the front line and CBIT are ideally placed to deliver on this subject.

As a parent of a toddler I can only applaud this initiative and I know that my own child’s nursery have been very receptive towards the offer of free training.  I feel very fortunate to work so closely with such a selfless organisation which aims to better the lives of all of our children by trying to educate us as to how to avoid child brain injury.

If you think your childcare setting would be interested in the brain awareness training do get in touch – you have nothing to lose and a wealth of information to gain, besides which the team are a very friendly, passionate and knowledgeable group of people!

I am a Partner at Bolt Burdon Kemp specialising in Child Brain Injury claims. If you would like advice about making a claim on behalf of a brain-injured child, contact me free of charge and in confidence on 020 7288 4854 or at for specialist legal advice. Alternatively, you can complete this form and one of the solicitors in the Child Brain Injury team will contact you. You can find out more about the team.

[1] Kuppermann N, Holmes JF, Dayan PS, et al. Identification of children at very low risk of clinically-important brain injuries after head trauma: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2009;374:1160–70. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61558-0

[2] Head injury from falls in children younger than 6 years of age P Burrows1, L Trefan1, R Houston2, J Hughes1, G Pearson3, R J Edwards4, P Hyde5, I Maconochie6, R C Parslow7, A M Kemp

[3] Working and workless households in the UK: Oct to Dec 2016

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