ARNI Charity for Stroke Survivors Conference
In day one of the Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI) free Stroke Rehabilitation Conference, we joined forces with ARNI, who is a charity for stroke survivors to discuss the importance of understanding and optimising recovery after brain injury. Watch Professor Cathy Price talk about understanding and predicting language recovery after stoke and watch Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg talk about imaging and stimulating motor recovery after stroke with Hokman Wong from our Adult Brain Injury team.
In day two of the Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI) free Stroke Rehabilitation Conference, we joined forces with ARNI, who is a charity for stroke survivors to discuss methods to manage the effects of a stroke. Watch Professor Valerie Pomeroy talk about refining movement analysis to maximise recovery and watch Professor Avril Drummond talk about managing post stroke fatigue with Hokman Wong from our Adult Brain Injury team.