Survivors UK Civil Legal Clinic | Bolt Burdon Kemp Survivors UK Civil Legal Clinic | Bolt Burdon Kemp

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Survivors UK Civil Legal Clinic

Survivors UK is an inclusive service offering individual counselling, group counselling, ISVA’s and a helpline to male (or those identifying as male) survivors of sexual assault and abuse.

We know that it is hard for survivors to speak about what has happened to them and to access the support they need.  We also know that it can be scary to think about talking to solicitors.  The Civil Legal Clinic at Survivors UK enables survivors to speak to us when it suits them, in a space they are used to and comfortable in.

Bolt Burdon Kemp’s Abuse team is pleased to be able to offer clients of Survivors UK free initial advice through their Civil Legal Clinic.

At the Clinic our solicitors give advice on potential routes for survivors to obtain justice.  This can include through a civil compensation claim against an individual or organisation and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (‘CICA’).

Our solicitors bring claims against foster parents, abusers’ employers, sports clubs, football clubs, churches and religious organisations, cadet groups and scout groups, amongst others.

Our team specialise and work on abuse claims only, meaning we are highly experienced and expert in these claims.  We are able to support our clients from the beginning to end; if we think you can bring a claim and you decide to choose us, the same solicitor you speak to in the Clinic will be the solicitor who acts for you all throughout your claim.

But we also believe that in order for survivors to achieve justice and hope of a recovery, we must take an holistic approach to help you through this, with support services like Survivors UK.

We believe that it is important that survivors are able to access advice, information and support about all aspects of their lives which may have been affected by the abuse, and can pursue all avenues of potential justice they may have.

We’ve helped Survivors UK’s clients by explaining and investigating their options for civil claims and to bring claims for them.  We have also supported them with making applications and requests for review of Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority applications.

We know that it can be particularly difficult for boys, men, and those identifying as male, to speak out about abuse they have suffered.  Like Survivors UK, we have a non-judgemental, open approach.  We will allow you the time and space you need to talk about what has happened.  We believe passionately that the societal perceptions of men who suffer sexual abuse need to be challenged.  Society more widely needs to be more open and transparent about, and accepting of the fact boys and men also suffer sexual abuse, and they need support and compassion to come to terms with this, and to obtain the recognition and justice they deserve.

More information can be accessed via Survivors UK’s website, including details for booking an appointment at the legal clinic.

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