Spinal Injury Association community groups – a fantastic service for people with SCI
In recent years the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) has started running community groups all across the country, and with one person sustaining a spinal cord injury every two hours, I want to highlight this wonderful social initiative.
The groups are run by the local support network coordinators and their volunteers. They give people an opportunity to come together and chat, share information and challenges.
Bolt Burdon Kemp has been a trusted legal partner of the SIA for many years now. In fact we were one of the first trusted legal partners! Our longstanding relationship with the SIA has meant we have been with them on the journey from the inception of the idea of community groups to the current position where every group has a thriving and regular circle of attendees.
As a trusted legal partner for the South East, BBK attends the groups that take place in Southampton, Brighton and Ringwood. They take place in very different environments but all have a warm and welcoming atmosphere driven by the wonderful co-ordinator for the South East, Harry Langley, and his team of volunteers.
The SCI community is a growing one. There are currently an estimated 105,000 people in the UK living with SCI.
Several years ago it was estimated that, on average, someone sustained a spinal cord injury every four hours. At the time that data was, frankly, mind boggling. However after further research that number has actually changed – to every two hours!
We fully support the SIA’s vision to ensure those living with spinal cord injury get the chance to lead a fulfilled life. The community groups are part of that vision – a way for people in the SCI community to meet and form bonds.
That is incredibly important and so we wanted to use this blog as an opportunity to raise awareness of the community groups and those who make them happen.
So if you have a spinal cord injury and haven’t yet attended a group then we say give it a go. Reach out to your local support network officer and go along. Or if you know someone with a spinal cord injury who might benefit from attending send them this blog or a link to the SIA.
This is an amazing resource and one that we hope will continue to grow.