BBK lobbies for injured people at party conferences | Bolt Burdon Kemp BBK lobbies for injured people at party conferences | Bolt Burdon Kemp

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BBK lobbies for injured people at party conferences

Last month I was in Liverpool for the Labour Party Conference, and then in Birmingham for the Conservative Party Conference. I attend on behalf of Bolt Burdon Kemp to promote policies on behalf of injured people and in particular to promote BBK’s Manifesto for Injured People .

If you have never been to a party conference before, many describe it as a freshers’ week for politics. It is a four-day-long event that brings together politicians, political activists and lobbyists.

Each party runs its conference slightly differently, however they all include panel events, drinks receptions and a lot of networking. Different lobbyist groups do their best to grab the attention of the delegates. For example, at the Conservative Party Conference TikTok put on an event with Peter Andre which was completely packed out with lines out the door!

This year was the first time BBK has attended the party conferences, and I took it as an opportunity to scope out what was being said about policies for injured people and access to justice.

Unfortunately, justice for injured people wasn’t very high on the agenda this conference season. The Conservative party conference was completely dominated by the leadership election (it was a challenge to try and attend an event in which at least one of the four wasn’t in attendance!) Labour’s conference had a wide range of policy events, and a significant increase in businesses in attendance, understandably as they are now in Government.

Despite the lack of relevant events on the agendas of both conferences, there was still ample opportunity to promote BBK and our priorities. A highlight of my conference season was meeting up with Sarah Atherton, who was previously Chair of the Women in Defence APPG which BBK worked closely with.

The Access to Justice APPG meetings at both conferences were fascinating and it was great to be surrounded by so many people fighting to improve access to justice. I raised questions about the delays in our coroner’s courts and the physical accessibility to our court estate.

At the Labour Party Conference, I also attended interesting events on Road Safety and on the long-running campaign to support nuclear test veterans. I also took the opportunity to speak with journalists, particularly about the lack of coverage on women’s health issues.

Overall, this party conference season was unique. The Labour Party has had a rocky first 100 days and it was fascinating to see the reaction from party members. The Conservative Party conference was surprisingly upbeat considering their recent historic defeat.

At BBK we are passionate about working with politicians to advocate for change in the law that will benefit our clients and injured people. We will continue to work with politicians of all parties and at all levels of Government to lobby for these issues.

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