Another excellent training day provided by APIL
Yesterday I attended the APIL Autumn Update Training day. APIL stands for the Association of Person Injury Lawyers and as a personal injury specialist I regularly attend their training days.
The event was led by Nigel Tomkins and John McQuater and they successfully managed to provide a very comprehensive update in respect of both case law and legal procedure in what really was a very short space of time.
In the morning Nigel and John focused on recent case law arising out of road traffic accidents and issues relating to damages. They also provided an update on the recent changes to the Civil Procedure Rules, which are the rules used by the courts in civil cases. In the afternoon they moved on to occupiers/public liability and we looked at recent case law arising out of accidents in sporting venues and accidents which occurred whilst individuals were taking part in adventure activities. The day concluded with an update on liability in work related accidents.
APIL’s training days are an absolute must for any solicitor specialising in personal injury. Yesterday was not only an interesting and insightful day, it was very enjoyable, and the training was second to none.