£4.6 million High Court Settlement
I attended the High Court on Monday to attend an approval hearing for a settlement award agreed between my client and the Defendant’s representatives following successful negotiations earlier this year. My client was an 18-month year old girl when the road traffic accident she was involved in happened back in 1988. As a result of the accident she suffered severe head and brain injuries which have left her with restricted cognitive function and a telling lack of insight. She will never be able to work and is in need of 1-1 privately funded care for the remainder of her life. The majority of the award is required to fund the cost of this care, payment of which will be at periodical intervals that are indexed linked to inflation in order to keep pace with the rising cost of care and ensure that there is ample provision for my client both now and well into the future. I am pleased to say that the Judge approved the settlement award. He was particularly complimentary about my client’s father who had been left with the sole responsibility of raising her after the accident, something which he was described as doing patiently and with considerable devotion. A very touching occasion and the final legal chapter of a 20-year saga.