SIA Cornflower Ball – A night of tears and laughter
It is the morning after the night before and that night was the Cornflower Ball, in support of the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA). Held at the iconic Kimpton Clocktower Hotel in Manchester, the ball is a highlight in the SIA events calendar. Such events are a lot of fun as some of the photos below will testify.

There was drinking, dining and dancing. But it is important that we do not forget the reason why we were all there; to raise funds and awareness for spinal cord injury and the amazing work that the SIA do.
This year we were honoured to hear from Tina, whose father David sadly passed away last year following a spinal cord injury (SCI). Tina’s speech about her father moved several of us on our table to tears. Tina and David’s story really highlighted the important work that the SIA do. At present, the sad reality is that 1 in 4 people with SCI are not receiving specialist rehabilitation. They are often discharged home, with little knowledge and understanding on how to deal with the realities of life with SCI. It is no exaggeration to say that this is putting people’s lives at risk. Drawing on David’s story, Tina spoke of how her father was discharged with a medicine – Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), but no explanation as to why it was needed. It was consequently confined to a drawer. GTN is needed in the event of autonomic dysreflexia which can prove fatal if left untreated. The impact the SIA had on Tina and David cannot be underestimated. Whilst I cannot recreate Tina’s speech here, I can include the video that Tina and David made for the SIA below and I would urge you to watch the same. Its five minutes long and it highlights beautifully the fantastic work the SIA do.
Events like the Cornflower Ball are great fun, but they come with a serious message. If the SIA do not continue to receive funds, they cannot continue with the work they do and people with SCI will be worse off. To that end we, would invite you to consider donating. As Steve Brown, our engaging host for the night said, lots of little donations can add up to a lot! So please do consider donating. Maybe forgo that coffee today, or that bottle of wine. You will be literally helping to save peoples lives!