Hanan joined the firm in March 2023 and works within the Child Brain Injury team. She qualified as a Solicitor in September 2021. She is involved in a mixture of Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury claims. For example, cases whereby children have sustained brain injuries following road traffic accidents.
Hanan has experience working on a variety of complex Clinical Negligence claims, including, cases involving strokes and high value cerebral palsy claims. She has experience attending joint settlement meetings and conferences with counsel and medical experts. She has experience drafting detailed witness statements, working on quantifying claims and conducting client visits.
Hanan has experience working with a variety of medical experts across various fields, such as, care, accommodation, occupational therapy and psychiatry. She is motivated to make a meaningful difference to the lives of those impacted by serious injuries and strives to secure the best results possible.
Her past experience has also involved working on cases whereby there has been a failure to adequately consent patients to mesh implantation surgeries. She has been involved in a number of mediations and has successfully settled several claims. Other cases she has worked on have included those in relation to delays in the diagnosis of cancer, orthopaedic injuries and eye injuries.
Hanan has also had experience attending at the High court in relation to a product liability matter.
Hanan has a particular interest in child brain injury claims and ensures that she keeps up to date with the latest news and developments in this area. She ensures that cases are progressed as efficiently as possible and that clients receive the best possible support.