NHS Cuts Hit Waiting Times for Treatment
The Guardian has today reported that there are very real concerns at Chief Executive level within a number of NHS Hospital Trusts that the £20 billion savings demanded by the Coalition will result in increased waiting times for treatment and the rationing of care. Patient access to hernia repairs, hip and knee replacements and varicose vein procedures is likely to be delayed and at worst, denied.
There is a massive risk that the cuts will impact on the overall patience experience, indeed it is hard to see how the standard of patient care will not be affected. The notorious problems encountered at Stafford Hospital arose when financial targets were pursued to enable the Trust to achieve “Foundation Trust” status (to save money, staffing budgets were cut resulting in understaffed wards where staff had to work in extremely difficult and challenging conditions and patient care was compromised).
The problem is compounded by the cuts local authorities have made to their social care budgets which have resulted in a number of elderly people having to access treatment in hospitals whereas previously they may have been able to access home-based care. This has resulted in increased pressure being placed on hospitals already struggling to cope with high levels of demand.
If you or a member of your family have suffered injury due to substandard care, I would be happy to explore with you whether you are able to make a claim. Please contact me on 0207 288 4824 or carolineklage@boltburdonkemp.co.uk
Caroline is head of the birth injury department at Bolt Burdon Kemp, where she has been a partner since 2006.