Menstruation to Menopause in Spinal Cord Injury
Following a seminar series with members of the SCI community on Menstruation to Menopause Bolt Burdon Kemp identified that many SCI Women felt that issues surrounding women’s health were not openly discussed and availability of information was limited.
As well as members of the SCI community attending a number of professionals attended and highlighted the need for training in this area:
“thank you so much for organising the sessions. The areas being covered are often brushed over or neglected in rehab so I’m really pleased to see them being highlighted and spoken about!” (Occupational Therapist)
Therefore on the back of this, Bolt Burdon Kemp have joined forces with MASCIP (Multi-disciplinary Association for Spinal Cord Injury Professionals), and we are delighted to be able to run a webinar on 5 October 2022 covering a SCI women’s journey from Menstruation to Menopause aimed at medical professionals working with those with Spinal Cord Injury. The aim of the webinar is to raise awareness and influence attendees’ practice. The webinar is free of charge as we really feel this is an area which is under resourced and limited information is available. We want to break the silence and raise awareness on this very important topic. We hope that sharing knowledge and experience can only improve and reform the situation.
We have a great line up of speakers and if you are interested in attending please emails us at webinars@boltburdonkemp.co.uk to register your interest. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.