Change from Within - Cultural Intelligence and Anti-racism Frameworks in Maternity Service | Bolt Burdon Kemp Change from Within - Cultural Intelligence and Anti-racism Frameworks in Maternity Service | Bolt Burdon Kemp

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Change from Within – Cultural Intelligence and Anti-racism Frameworks in Maternity Service

Let’s have the conversation – Cultural intelligence and anti-racism frameworks in maternity services

Kate Brintworth, Chief regional Midwife for London and Wendy Olayiwola, National Maternity Lead for Equality NHS England and NHS Improvement

The first webinar in a five-part series addressing racial inequality in Maternal Healthcare took place on 24 January 2022. The recording of the webinar can be accessed here: 

Hosted by Olivia Boschat of our Women’s Health Team, with Expert Speakers Kate Brintworth and Wendy Olayiwola the discussion focused on Cultural Intelligence and Anti-racism Frameworks in Maternity Services.  Wendy provided case examples where things have gone wrong, and gave practice take-home guidance for clinicians. Kate covered the work that was being done at policy level in the NHS to effect change, talked through the Anti-racisim Framework guide and discussed how this will change care provided in practice.

The next webinar in the series will take place on Thursday 3 February 2022 at 12noon with Elsie Gayle midwife, accompanied by a mother discussing The Impact of Continuity of Care. Over 90 minutes attendees will learn about the delivery of ‘culturally safe’ maternity care, the Mimosa Midwives model and the positive impact of continuity of carer from the perspective of both midwife and patient. We will also offer a Q&A session where attendees are encouraged to engage with speakers on the topic. To sign up please email

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