Success Stories for Cerebral Palsy & Birth Injury Claims
If you suffered medical negligence that resulted in your child sustaining a birth injury, you may bring a cerebral palsy or birth injury claim. Read our success stories to learn about how our medical negligence solicitors will approach your claim and what compensation you may receive to contribute towards your child’s care.
£33 million for a child client who experienced a catastrophic brain injury due to mistakes made at and around the time of their birth
Caroline Klage, Claudia Hillemand and Mollie Benjamin have secured a life changing settlement of approximately £33 million for a client who experienced a catastrophic brain injury due to mistakes made at and around the time of their birth. As a result, they have highly complex and permanent injuries, including difficulties with cognition, speech and language, mobility, sensory regulation and behaviour. Their condition is further complicated by severe and uncontrollable epilepsy. Consequently, they require round the clock specialist care.
Interim payments were secured throughout the life of the claim to fund the client’s complex needs, pending the final settlement, including intensive input from a large team of experienced and renowned therapists, aids, equipment, a suitable vehicle, professional care, psychological support for the family and private tutoring for our client’s siblings at times when their parents were unable to provide this support due to their having to meet our client’s own complex care needs. Also, with interim funds, a suitable property was purchased and adapted for our client. This has been carefully designed by an architect specialising in disability adaptations with input from the client’s family and rehabilitation team to ensure the scheme meets the client’s complex and specific needs both now and in the future. It features a sensory room, therapy room, carers’ accommodation and dedicated sensory garden and will mean the client’s care and therapy package can be delivered seamlessly whilst also providing a safe, engaging and fun environment in which the client can flourish and enjoy time and make happy memories with their family.
This is one of the highest ever clinical negligence settlements and will ensure this client’s complex needs are met for the duration of their lifetime.
Birth Injury and Cerebral Palsy
This medical negligence claim involved the birth of twin girls. One sadly died at birth, and the other was born with cerebral palsy due to the negligent handling of the mother’s labour. Our medical negligence solicitors settled the claim for £3 million, which included provision for the surviving child’s care and accommodation needs as well as compensation for her loss of earnings. On hearing the settlement, their mother said “8 years ago our lives were taken away and today you’ve given them back”.
Birth Injury and Cerebral Palsy
As a result of medical negligence B suffered brain damage during birth due to oxygen starvation resulting in Cerebral Palsy. He suffered asymmetrical spastic quadriplegia, developmental delay, learning difficulties and associated mental and physical handicaps complicated by epilepsy. Liability was denied throughout the claim. Our medical negligence solicitors settled the case for £1,050,000.
Brain injury due to oxygen deprivation at birth
The Claimant was delivered by emergency caesarean section. She was profoundly asphyxiated at birth and had suffered ischaemic brain damage, with severe dystonic/spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy.It was the Claimant’s case that with timely delivery she would have had a dyskinetic cerebral palsy with intact intelligence. The Claimant was profoundly disabled. In fact she suffered from severe microcephaly, profound learning disabilities and severe oro-pharyngeal motor disability. She was fed by gastrostomy. There were joint contractures, including severe flexion contractures at the knees. She had visual impairment.The Claimant was and would remain, dependent on her parents or carers for mobility and for all activities of daily living. She would never be able to work, to live independently, or to manage her own affairs.The claim was settled for a lump sum of £1 million together with periodical payments of £139,000 up to the Claimant’s 18th birthday rising to £162,000 for the remainder of her life.
The Defendant hospital was negligent in failing to prevent a previously healthy unborn baby from dying during the 30 minutes immediately prior to birth. Despite the hospitals inability to locate vital medical records, the case settled for £21,000.
Stillbirth ‘G’
We acted on behalf of a woman whose baby sadly died because the hospital failed to appropriately monitor our client prior to her caesarean section. We obtained an apology from the Trust and compensation for our client. Whilst no settlement could ‘turn back the clock’, the apology and investigation has helped her to come to terms with her loss.